Hello, I am Marie Miller, Queen Mother of the Red Queens Chapter of the Red Hat Society. We are located in the San Fernando Valley, in Southern California.

Approximately 18 years ago my eldest daughter presented me with a lovely red hat for Mother's Day. I thanked her and asked her where she thought I could wear the hat. She told me that she had met a wonderful group of ladies at the train station downtown Los Angeles, a Red Hat group. She told me that they were having so much fun, that they were outgoing and fun loving, like me, and that I needed to find them and join them. And so I did! The rest is history.

My Vice Queen is Emily Diane Alexis. We have been friends for almost 50 years. After I had been to a few events I encouraged her to join me. She hesitated at first, but after her first function she was in all the way! Look at that smile, she knows how to help plan a fun function! Her help is invaluable in planning our events. We have been on Red Hat cruises, and numerous events hosted by other chapters. I have been building our group and trying to plan fun filled events that all can enjoy. We often have luncheons, sometimes we take the train to Hollywood to see a play. Other times we are invited to join events planned by Queens of other chapters, and have lots of fun and met many red hatters that way. There are even cruises and overnight trips planned by some groups that we join in on. I would expect my ladies to try to attend events sponsored by our group, the Red Queens. But there are many additional events to choose from. You choose the events that suit you.

If you are not yet a Red Hat member, I encourage you to look at our past events and photos. We would welcome you if you decide to join us in some of our adventures. Life is too short not to have fun whenever you have the chance.

Marie Miller

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